Water Management

When it comes to water management, supplying an adequate quantity of water and nutrients to plants and seedlings in the nursery becomes essential. If not done properly it may affect the seedlings and its quality. Royal Israil Nursery uses the latest technology for growing the seedlings.
When it comes to the water management, Royal Israil Nursery has a fully developed and scientifically advanced and technology controlled water management system which is called as an automatic fogger machine. This automatic fogger machine has been developed and customized outside India especially for Royal Israil Nursery.
This automatic fogger machine is technology controlled and uses and highly advanced technology for watering and supplying the
required quantity of nutrients to the plants and seedlings. In this way, the water is not wasted neither the seedlings are overwatered
or under watered. The required quantity of water and essential nutrients is supplied to the seedlings with the help of this automatic fogger machine.
This helps in uniform growth and development of the seedlings.